Canal Day

at Daisy Nook


A second successful "Canal Day" was held this summer at Daisy Nook Country Park.

The day of canal-related activities was organised by the Hollinwood Canal Society for Oldham Countryside Service as one of the events on offer for the public at Daisy Nook this year.

The event was designed to help raise awareness of the canal and its heritage in the park, including how the canal operated and how it fitted into the wider canal network. The range of activities on offer made sure that there was something for all ages.
Sue Day and Bonny attracting the crowds with a demonstration of boathorse harnessing.

Guided walks set off at 11.30 am and 2.00 pm, giving people the opportunity to learn about the history of the canal and look in more detail at some of the canal features in the Country Park, such as the locks and aqueducts.

There was an opportunity to meet Bonny the Boat Horse at 1.00 pm. Visitors watched a boathorse harnessing demonstration and heard about the lives of the boatmen and their horses from canal society member Sue Day.
Sue Day and Bonny attracting the crowds with a demonstration of boathorse harnessing.

There were also demonstrations by a lace maker as a reminder of another of the traditional skills that were found on the waterways.

Throughout the day a range of canal-related activities for children was available. Also attracting attention under the gazebo was the model lock complete with boats!

A slide show of old photographs of the canal was shown throughout the day inside the Countryside Centre, which jogged many memories for those who knew the canal years ago, but were also of interest for those who only remember the canal as it is now.

All the activities were free of charge.
Activities for all ages were provided.
