Joining the


Canal Society

If you share our visions for the future of the Hollinwood Canal, please support us either by making a donation or by joining the Society. The subscription is a modest £6.00 a year or £15.00 for 3 years. Alternatively, you can pay by Standing Order for just £5.00 a year.

Members will receive the Society Newsletter three times a year by post. To help keep membership costs and administration time down, some news updates and other communications will be sent out by email to those members who have email access. Please make sure we have your email address and please tell us if you change it.

By clicking here, you can download an application form, which can be printed out and returned to the address shown on the form.

Payment can be made by cheque, or you can help to keep our administration time down by completing the standing order form from here and returning it with your membership form, so that your subscription can be collected automatically. Please return the form to us and not to your bank.

The Society is a registered charity (no. 1104942), so you have the opportunity of helping us further by making a Gift Aid declaration, so that an amount equivalent to the tax you have paid on the cost of your subscription and / or donation will be returned to the Society. There is a section on the Membership Form where you can make a Gift Aid declaration.

Click here for Application for Membership Form.

Click here for a Standing Order Form to send with your Membership Form.

Click here if you would like to make a donation.

Click here for a Gift Aid declaration form. (for existing members)

(These links open in new windows.)

Members of the society who have internet access are able to join a private Yahoo Group to discuss things with other members through an email forum. Click here for more information.
