



Work has recently started on the redevelopment of an area of Droylsden close to the Ashton Canal. The scheme, above Fairfield locks, will include re-
opening the first 175 metres of the Hollinwood Branch Canal. The centrepiece of the development is to be a small marina for around 30 boats, flanked by
new buildings for residential and business use.
Councillor Susan Quinn cuts the first sod for the Droylsden Marina, ably watched by colleagues Councillors Kieran Quinn and Jim Middleton

The first phase, involving construction of apartments alongside the main line of the Ashton Canal, began earlier in the year, but in mid-November, the
developers moved onto the main site for the marina development.

Tameside Council's three local councillors for Droylsden East, Kieran Quinn, Susan Quinn and Jim Middleton took part in a ceremonial "cutting of the first
sod", watched by Debbie Lumb, North West General Manager for British Waterways, Andy Shaw of developers Watkin Jones and representatives of
the Hollinwood Canal Society.
Celebrating the cutting of the first sod for Droylsden Marina are (clockwise from left): Andy Shaw from developers Watkin Jones, Cllr Kieran Quinn, Cllr Susan Quinn, BW North West General Manager Debbie Lumb and Cllr Jim Middleton

The extensive development will include 90 houses, 291 apartments, restaurants and offices. Councillor Kieran Quinn said: "The marina is the vital
component in this exciting development."

There will be overnight moorings for boaters travelling around the Cheshire Ring and improved boaters' facilities will be provided nearby at Fairfield Junction.
Artist's impression of the Marina Development in Droylsden. (Picture courtesy of Watkins Jones)

See photos of progress at the marina site in March 2008.

See photos of the marina in water in July 2008.

See main page about Droylsden marina development.
