Droylsden Marina Development, November 2008

Ground samples are taken in various locations around the site in readiness for work to begin.

Councillor Susan Quinn cuts the first sod for the Droylsden Marina, ably watched by colleagues Councillors Keiran Quinn and Jim Middleton

Celebrating the cutting of the first sod for Droylsden Marina are (clockwise from left): Andy Shaw from developers Watkin Jones, Cllr Kieran Quinn, Cllr Susan Quinn, BW North West General Manager Debbie Lumb and Cllr Jim Middleton

By March 2008 the ground levels had been excavated and the new concrete wash walls were under construction. This view is looking north towards Fairfield Junction.

Looking east.

Looking west.

Looking north-west towards Droylsden town centre.

Looking south-west, the Ashton Canal is in the distance.

Shuttering for a curved corner of the concrete wash wall.

Looking south towards apartments by the Ashton Canal.

Steel reinforcements ready for another section of concrete wash wall base.

Cross section of new wash wall near the junction with the Ashton Canal, with the remains of a former towpath bridge on the right.

The concrete base and sides is now complete.

Looking south. The apartments nearing completion on the left are alongside the Ashton Canal.

Posts are in place for the floating pontoons.

Stop plank narrows near the entrance to the marina.

Looking north-west towards Droylsden town centre.

Looking south-west. The main line of the Ashton Canal is behind the bund.
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