

• Locks

There were originally eight locks on the Hollinwood Branch Canal, which were numbered 19 to 26, continuing the numbering from the 18 locks on the main line of the Ashton Canal. The first four were at Waterhouses (now Daisy Nook) and the other four at Hollinwood.

Only the first four of these locks can still be seen. The first lock and the two staircase locks have been partly in-filled and "cascaded", so that the water in them is just a few inches deep. The fourth lock has been infilled and grassed over, with only some stonework visible.

The locks were all narrow locks, with single head gates and double tail gates, each with a fall of around ten feet.
The first lock on the Hollinwood Branch Canal (numbered 19).

The second and third locks, forming a staircase, as seen from the head of the first lock.

Closer view of the lock staircase.

Looking straight up the staircase locks.
Looking down the staircase locks.
Looking towards the infilled fourth lock from the staircase locks.
Looking back to the head of the infilled fourth lock from the junction with the Fairbottom Branch.
A picnic feature has been made using the stonework of the head section of the fourth lock at Daisy Nook.