Along the Hollinwood Canal - 4 |
Where the canal line crosses a road leading to industrial premises at the site of a former swing bridge, continue straight ahead, along a path. A short way ahead, the canal is partly in water, with the towpath running along the left side.

Looking north from the site of the former swing bridge.

Looking back towards the site of the former swing bridge.

Looking north near Littlemoss School.

Approaching Cinderland Bridge.

The towpath continues alongside the canal, which is overgrown but in water, with the playing field of Littlemoss School to the right.

The canal curves slowly to the right and soon, Cinderland Bridge comes into view.

Away to the right is Cinderland Hall, dating from the sixteenth century and originally timber framed, but now encased with brick.

Cinderland Bridge.

Looking north-east from Cinderland Bridge.
