Along the Hollinwood Canal - 3 |
Looking south from the end of Clough Road.

From Sunnyside Road northwards, follow the line of the canal as it passes along a grass strip between the houses of Clough Road and Saxon Drive.

Coming into the open, the path curves to the right near the Sports Centre running track, then to the left of a new estate.

The footpath ahead runs roughly along the line of the former towpath. The line of the canal bed, to the right of the path, has been fenced off to become part of a new housing estate.

Some of these houses have been built on or very close to the line of the canal, so a restored canal would need to be built on an embankment to the west of the original line, above Lumb Clough, the dip in the land to the left of the picture (below).

Looking north with the running track on the right.

A new housing estate encroaches on the canal line.

Follow the path to the left of the houses and cross the railway by the footbridge on the site of the former aqueduct.

Continue ahead along a footpath that follows the canal line, crossing a road leading to industrial premises at the site of a former swing bridge.

The footbridge that replaced the aqueduct across the railway.

The footbridge continues north of the railway.
