Along the Hollinwood Canal - 2 |
Climb the cobbled ramp onto the bridge. Cross Manchester Road to look at the continuation of the canal route, planted with trees and vegetation, alongside the supermarket.

Turn to the right, towards the traffic lights where you started. Turn left and walk through the shopping precinct and across the car park to reach Greenside Lane. Turn left again and you will shortly cross a bridge over the canal route.

To the south, the route is dense with trees and bushes. To the north, a factory yard occupies the line of the canal for a short distance.

North of Manchester Road.
Looking south from Greenside Lane.

North of Greenside Lane.

Continue along Greenside Lane to Five Ways roundabout. Turn right and walk along Chappell Road, passing St Stephens School. At the far end, turn right onto Sunnyside Road towards Medlock Street.

The route of the canal crossed the road just after the church, where there are some modern bungalows. This was the site of Clifford's Swing Bridge, before the Sunnyside Road area was developed. Turn left opposite the bungalows and follow the path that runs along the line of the canal.

Bungalows at St Stephens View, off Sunnyside Road.
Looking north from Sunnyside Road.